Aug 31Liked by Robin Payes

What a fascinating place. And I’m intrigued to learn more about your grandmother. My family explored a number psychics and mediums (and even leaving my dad’s Gen 1 Macintosh open hoping he’d communicate with us from beyond) but I never felt like I could surrender my skeptic, though I so longed for his ghost to haunt me!

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I love that, Kimberly! Not sure even Steve Jobs would have had the tech to build the 1st Mac computers to get messages from beyond. But here’s a thought: what if AI on day has that capability? What would your dad want to share of the channel were open via ChatGPT?

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What a wonderful description of that magical place. So close to Chautauqua geographically, and yet in a totally different realm. The downloads I have received have come through plant medicine, i.e. psychedelics, and have not yet been ancestral in nature.

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Sally, I love hearing about your brave experimentations with otherworldly messages. How would you describe that: not (yet) communing with the ancestors, but communing with your inner knowing?

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That’s exactly right.

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Love love love this spiritual and mystical journey you’ve taken me on… Grandmother Moon 🌙 I see it now.

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Thank you, Julie. Last evening was the new moon, so of course we felt her energy. Time for new beginnings. What are you beginning--or continuing--on your writing journey?

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Hi, Robin. I’m a Luna lover. I have spent time gazing up, appreciating every moment every breath. I had to step back and reorganize my work to make time to checkin substack at least once a week. I appreciate you.

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I so enjoyed this, Robin. All of this resonates. ❤️

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Robin, this is a long, rich piece that's right up my street! I'm saving it and will return to give it a close read and get back to you. Wow! You and I really are aligned in key ways. (My next novel is a work of metaphysical fiction.) ❤

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Thanks, Robin. I'm glad it resonated. I'd love to hear about your novel idea - metaphysical fiction is kind of up my alley too. I've got a YA time travel adventure series out, so I've been spending a lot of time with my teen STEMinista Charley breaking spacetime (and gender) barriers! https://edgeofyesterdaybooks.com

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